

With every new medication released for weight loss, people want that new medication. When Saxenda® was released people were keen to try this new injection and has been popularly called the “skinny jab”. Saxenda® belongs to he class of medications called GLP-1 Now another Glucagon Like Peptide (GLP-1) called Ozempic® has been approved for weight […]

With every new medication released for weight loss, people want that new medication. When Saxenda® was released people were keen to try this new injection and has been popularly called the “skinny

Our bustling lifestyles have contributed to the increasing prevalence of obesity and its associated medical problems. Sure, we appreciate the need for activity and healthy eating but in reality many of us

What do we mean by breakfast? The term breakfast in English literally refers to the breaking of the fasting period of the previous night. In nutritional terms, breakfast is the first meal

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